
All of our upcoming, open trainings are posted at
Search “Alicia Meyer TF-CBT” or email [email protected] for more information.


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Complete the TFCBT web course here

The web course costs $35 and offers 11 CEs

Completion certificates must be uploaded below prior to the start of the 2-day training.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please save your file with your first and last name. Ex) JamieMoore_TFWeb

**Oregon Health Authority**

The following section is solely for those registrants who are sponsored by the OHA.

Step 1) Upload (above) TFweb certificate as described in section above

Step 2) Upload (below) receipt of purchase (one copy per trainee) of the book titled “Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents,” Second Edition by Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino, and Esther Deblinger

Step 3) Upload (below) either a copy of current clinical license or certification as a QMHP

Step 4) Submit (below) self-attestation form

Remember to push the “Submit” button after each step.

Make sure your name is on the receipt before upload!
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please save your file with your first and last name. Ex) JamieMoore_BookReceipt
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please save your file with your first and last name and license type. Ex) JamieMoore_QMHPLicense
I attest that the following statements are true. 1) I provide direct behavioral health services to Medicaid eligible children and families; 2) I intend to complete the TF-CBT training within 12 months and, if licensed, will apply for certification. Certification requirements:; 3) I have a weekly caseload of at least 5 children or youth who would benefit from TF-CBT; and 4) I intend to utilize TF-CBT in its entirety and with Fidelity (according to the researched protocols and procedures) when providing behavioral health services to 10 or more children and families within the 12 months following TF-CBT Initial Virtual Training.
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